Book Jaipur to Ranthambore taxi

from Kukas Cabs

If you are considering hiring a cab from Jaipur to visit Ranthambore, Kukas Cabs offers our Jaipur to Ranthambore taxi package, allowing you to select any of the following cars:

And you can also view Jaipur bus rental page is you are planning a group tour from Jaipur to Ranthambore.

From Jaipur Airport or Railway Station, Ranthambore is approximately 175 km away. To book our taxi rental package, simply reach out to us.

  • Sedan AC car: For 1 to 4 people
  • Innova AC car: For 1 to 6 people
  • Crysta AC car: For 1 to 7 people
  • Tempo Traveller: For 5 to 16 people
Taxi for Ranthambore trip

per km taxi fare

One side fare

2 days taxi return fare from Jaipur

Suzuki Dzire Rs 09 per km Rs 1530 Rs 4500
Toyota Etios Rs 10 per km Rs 1700 Rs 5000
Toyota Innova ₹ 14 per km Rs 1870 Rs 5500
Tempo traveller (9, 12 seater) Rs 16 per km Rs 2720 Rs 7500
Maharaja Tempo traveller (9 seater) Rs 20 per km Rs 3400 Rs 10,000

Popular Road Trips for Jaipur Ranthambore (Sawai Madhopur)

Tourist vehicles following a tiger on a tiger safari in Ranthambhore tiger reserve

2 Days Jaipur Ranthambore tour

Our two-day Ranthambore Taxi tour is tailored for travelers in Jaipur, Agra, and New Delhi. On day 1, we will arrive in Ranthambore by lunchtime. You can choose to enjoy the safari tour either on the evening of Day 1 or in the morning or evening of Day 2, before heading back home by evening.

Jaipur Airport to Ranthambore taxi

Jaipur Airport to Ranthambore taxi

Distance from Jaipur Airport to Ranthambore is 175 km and you can book our sedan cab for a day at Rs 2250 and Rs 4500 for two days.To book a cab from Jaipur to Ranthambore, kindly call me at  +8890825040 or fill the contact form below.

Ranthambore taxi service

Ranthambore taxi service

And if you are looking to book a taxi in Ranthambore then do call us at +8890825040 as we do have an office, close to national Park where We offer our taxi services for local tours as well as tours starting from Ranthambore.

Faq's on our Jaipur to Ranthambore taxi package

Hotels in Ranthambore

Hotels in Ranthambore

You will find a wide range of accommodations in Ranthambore, including hotels, camps, and guest houses. Some popular options are:

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Best time to visit Ranthambore

Best time to visit Ranthambore

Ranthambore National Park is open from October to June. Plus in a day, there are two safari tors conducted at fixed Read More

Place to see nearby Ranthambore

Place to see nearby Ranthambore

From Ranthambore, there are quite a few popular tourist sites that you can visit Read More

Place to see nearby Ranthambore

Distance, time & fare

Distance: From Jaipur, Ranthambore in 170 km away & its a 3-4 hour drive (one side) Read More

Contact Form for Jaipur Ranthambore Cab Service

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